Explore, Navigate & Discover Anywhere, Even Offline
• Access turn-by-turn route guidance and real-time navigation without an internet connection
• Obtain directions for car, motorbike, bicycle, or walking modes
• Include waypoints and receive optimized routes
• Discover nearby hotels, restaurants, hospitals, ATMs, banks, public places, and shopping destinations, even when offline
• Enjoy precise voice guidance
• Experience automatic rerouting while navigating
• Determine compass direction to a location on the map
• Receive alternative route suggestions
• Share route instructions with others
• Save your favorite locations for easy access
• Benefit from fast GPS updates
• Choose between clear day and night map styles
• Download offline maps for use in areas without internet connectivity
• All features are available in both online and offline modes
USER_BO3UEHW9DUWI I'm often on the streets without access to Wi-Fi, so I rely heavily on this app for navigation. So far, it's been incredibly reliable, the best one, to be precise. However, there are a few minor issues I've encountered. Sometimes, it keeps rerouting me even when I'm on the right track, and I can't cancel the navigation either when it's trying to reroute. I have to restart the app, which can be quite annoying. Additionally, there are instances when I end up going in the wrong direction because the arrow (the blue dot indicating my location) doesn't turn in the direction I'm facing, leading to confusion. Despite these minor hiccups, it's still an amazing app overall. ❤️USER_GW8D6G2UW8W The maps are accurate, and I rely on them when traveling here in Nigeria. Even the minor roads connecting to the main ones are well-detailed in this app, showing everything you'd expect from a map.
USER_HC01OJEOD9WI This is hands down the best offline maps navigation app ever! It features junction view, offline routing, and operates very swiftly.
USER_HE0C7391KJDS The app offers one free map, but it's limited to India. You have to purchase maps for other regions, which I find to be not worth it. Consequently, I uninstalled it.
USER_GX7W9JWJDJS Offline navigation is excellent. My husband and I used to argue a lot while traveling here in Ireland, often finding ourselves on one-way roads. Once, we had to seek assistance from the police to reverse. Despite my husband's insistence on using his own navigation, offline map navigation on my phone always proves to be accurate.
USER_HSS8H29DK2P It's great because it allows me to use maps even without cellular service, which is beneficial when traveling to areas with poor or no cell service.
USER_10K30DOJWKA Initially, I thought it would be the best app to use, but unfortunately, it provided fake directions. The location kept changing even when I wasn't moving, and there was no guidance provided. I believe Google Maps is a better alternative. Thanks.
USER_GOOGLE.COM While I haven't tested it on the road yet, setting up routes has been accurate, and the maps display up-to-date road information. So far, I'm impressed.
USER_LEAKS.WORK The app doesn't know all places perfectly and sometimes gets confused, similar to us when searching for specific locations. Hopefully, the app learns about these places soon.
USER_A-ADS.COM The maps are good and even show house and building configurations. The routes are as I would take.
USER_YLLIX.COM It performs well on the roads, but I'll wait to see how it performs off-road.
USER_FAUCEPAY Even in its beta stage, the app works really well. Thank you!
USER_XVV828WKSI Although advertised as an offline GPS, you can't download maps without paying for premium if the map is deemed "large." This limitation affects my usage in BC, where the app labels the map as "large," necessitating payment to use it offline. Additionally, the navigation voice is subpar, with no option to change it. If you want to provide feedback or report an error, the app requires you to write something positive about it, or it won't send the report.
USER_Y84HDX86RGG Overall, I like the app very much, but I wish it were more accurate. Nonetheless, it covers many major pieces of information needed.
USER_436UHFF85YY I have some issues with the app. Firstly, I couldn't set the distance measurements to miles/feet. Even after setting it, the app doesn't seem to function that way. Additionally, the theme changes every time with navigation, and there's no global app option. Lastly, when the app is restarted, it doesn't remember the previous route planned. With only one free map to download from, I think I could better use Google Maps.
USER_NOKJGTW48UHTR Overall, it's an amazing app. It does what it needs to do and gets me anywhere I need to go.
USER_BO86HDS56HHF It's one of the best offline maps apps, although I haven't used it for long. However, I wasn't impressed with the "update to continue using" message. The app could have let me use it while reminding me to update as soon as possible.
USER_H7566HFSYHG The app worked well offline for the first day after installing it, but after that, it seems to need an internet connection.
USER_588HTCNJ84HY The lack of a satellite layer makes this app pretty useless for me. I frequent rural areas where not all the roads are on map apps (even Google Maps), so a satellite view helps me see the roads that the map doesn't show. Additionally, this app doesn't display many roads in rural areas that Google Maps does. It's not very helpful for my situation.
USER_0OJHT764FGGD I love this app. I've tried many apps, but I really love this one. It's simple to operate, has a clear map, doesn't drain my battery, gives at least three choices of how to get to the destination, quickly adjusts if I don't follow exactly, and works perfectly in the Netherlands (haven't tried it anywhere else yet). Many thanks to the developer!
USER_H74VZRYHH754 Not great. I set up a test to go to a local destination with two routes. Halfway through the route, I changed direction, and the app recalculated the route, taking me miles away from the destination. It finally managed to recalculate the correct route after five minutes, by which time I was nearly at the destination.
USER_644HYGSHNI86Y I purchased the Premium Version. I use this app along with Google Maps. It doesn't have the Google search, etc., on the top of the screen, but it does have a compass and many other features, updates, and options. The user can even download maps for every country and big city. It's the best offline map/navigation app available! Kudos to your development and design team!
USER_55HDO97YHHD5 I loved the old version of this app but feel the new one is a massive step backward. The map is zoomed out too much for my liking and just nowhere near as good as the last version. It doesn't recalculate your routes if you miss an exit either. It's not as good to the point where I can't use it anymore.
USER_UUFBJJJJD775YGG ☆UNTRUSTWORTHY ☆ The maker of this app has the ability to make great apps, but they prefer to give you apps that always create pop-ups and prompt you to install other apps owned by them. I get it, I just don't like it. The app only allows you to download one area map for free, then you will need to pay $$$ for others. Google Maps has the ability to download offline maps for free. I would rather just pay for an app if it's good enough, and this app just isn't there yet.
USER_HYFFSYJYETTE You've divided a country into regions, etc. Why not do the same for the map and streets, etc., to simplify the process of deciding what to download? It's confusing to try to figure out in which region or area you are, especially in a totally unfamiliar country! Wouldn't it be better to use location data to indicate which map should be downloaded? It's challenging to think logically, isn't it?
USER_Y8YHHFYIIU I've been on numerous road and sea trips with this app, and I'm amazed at how well-designed it is. It works offline, but you need to cache your routes from an active internet source beforehand. In my opinion, this app has a slight edge over some other navigation apps available, which is fantastic.
USER_HY63DK975GG I expected the 1 free download option, but I didn't receive any map. It's strange how I received an offer for 1 free map and got none.
USER_GS6HHDY84GH I downloaded this app to see if it has a heads-up display (HUD), which it doesn't. However, as a test, when I entered a nearby destination, the route it suggested had been closed due to maintenance for the past 4-5 months, despite being the shortest route. This indicates that its map doesn't update, even when online. It's not a safe option for long journeys, especially to new areas.
USER_MNCI95RUH7RE This is a great navigation app with clear voice directions, just what I always wanted. Initially, I was discouraged by some critical comments, but it turned out to be excellent after all. Just download the map of your area to make it work perfectly offline. Otherwise, you should start online before going offline.
USER_73BHDHUUU It's quite deceptive for Virtual Maze to claim that they don't collect information, when their terms and conditions clearly state otherwise. It's cleverly presented in the first window that pops up, and you can't use the app unless you agree to the terms and conditions. If I wanted that, I might as well give them my Facebook password too. Thanks, but no thanks.
USER_H75HOKGSRY I was looking for a map app that doesn't track me, but on the first run, they mentioned partnering with Google, which uses "anonymous" IP addresses. However, "anonymous" or not, it can still identify users as the same person, whether or not they are "personally identified." No, I won't accept that end-user license agreement (EULA). I finally find an offline navigation app that doesn't use OSM's maps, which are unsearchable by address, and instead, it's Google spyware. Another disappointment.
USER_637HDYHO84T I love this app. I enjoy cycling, so I need a reliable app to guide me. What I love about this app is that it works perfectly even with WiFi and cellular data turned off. Additionally, you can search for locations without WiFi, and there are absolutely no ads!
USER_BL0OKGE345HUU I've been using offline maps for years, and it has always been reliable. However, today it led me 3 blocks away, causing me to be 20 minutes late due to busy morning rush hour traffic. The navigation voice was tiny and shrill, and so fast that it was difficult to understand.
USER_H743HCDUHU6TTH With no state lines and no way to mark places, navigating this app is challenging. Furthermore, going into settings and then coming out takes me back to my present GPS-determined location, and without political boundaries such as state lines to use as guiding markers, it's pretty difficult to find where I was before. I'm sorry, but this app just isn't worth the space it occupies. I'm uninstalling it.
USER_53ERFGHHHVSSTY Maps are excellent, very detailed, and don't require any additional extras that often take up a lot of memory in other maps/navigation apps. Just make sure to download the area beforehand. This is undoubtedly the best fully detailed map app available.
USER_JHU643CH6YUY6753 I'm downgrading my rating to one star because of their customer support. They read your direct message but don't actually reply. Additionally, you can't edit stops once guidance is started, nor can you remove or skip the next stop once guidance is initiated. Sometimes, the next stop icon isn't directly where it should be, and if you're not directly on it, the next stop won't be initiated.
USER_LBDR7854HGD5Y I was searching for Vasanth and Co. in Gandhipuram, Coimbatore, but found no results. I had to resort to Google Maps since it shows all the branches, allows me to select the one I need, and provides information about whether the shop is open, along with a shop calling option. Google Maps has delved into minor details and is more updated. Sorry, guys.
USER_52GXI8866YHGT Upon installing this application, the first thing that greets you is an advertisement from "Virtual Maze." However, the application fails to start or get beyond this because it freezes and crashes. Virtual Maze turns this app into a real dead end! What a disappointment!
USER_BBG863YYYY5D The app failed to download a map; it pauses after 10 seconds and never makes progress. There's also no setting to store maps on the SD card. After the developer's reply, I tried to download the Maryland (USA) map from the list, or Washington DC if Maryland wasn't available. However, it still paused after approximately 10 seconds, so I'm not sure what the developer expects. As of now, I'm using Android's (Google) Maps app, which now supports offline maps on the SD card.
USER_HFFG743EDVJ86G This app is excellent! It offers a plethora of different functions, and while there are some in-app purchases, they are inexpensive. You can download maps of practically any place in the world, which is great for offline use and can be educational. Kudos to the developers!
USER_543GIIJT57H64 I subscribed to the app because I was going to be in Seville, Spain for a while. Today, I navigated a 9 km hike in a very difficult-to-navigate town, and the app brought us right to our destination time after time. If I could give this app an eight or nine, I would. With my phone on airplane mode using only the GPS, I used no data.
USER_G84HDSYHHDY6 Attempted to provide feedback to the app developer but was informed by the app itself that feedback cannot be sent. All I requested was for the developer to consider adding imperial measurements to the driving directions. Unfortunately, the United States does not currently teach the metric system in schools. My only exposure to the metric system was in elementary school, which was 45 years ago.
USER_6R4VKBFUIE3RF It serves its purpose well. I don't have data, and this app helps me quite a bit as I tend to get lost far too often. The data gathering isn't intrusive and is likely for route optimizations, but some people are overly paranoid. Thanks to the developer for creating an online map.
USER_YVG73RFUJGRYH The terms and conditions state that the app saves, uses, and shares all personal data about the person using the app with third parties. For me, that's a bit excessive. Why do you need to know where I'm going, at what speed, etc., if you're just providing me with a map? Very disappointing. :(
USER_Y63GXYUJGFU8HH I waited for 30 minutes, but the map download didn't work. In the May 31, 2019 reply, it was probably Ohio or the USA. It was nearly four months ago. I tried several apps developed outside the US, but none of them were any good. I still haven't found a usable GPS offline app that works in the States.
USER_G75GJI8JD34GGFW Once I realized that you can only search when online but save places to navigate to offline, I found the app useful. The beta warning was also helpful, so if there are any issues, I can provide feedback.
USER_H887BD46HSU76477 It's missing more than half of the restaurants and shops in a heavily visited upstate NY tourist area. Really? No map available for New York State. Really? I'm uninstalling it; it's useless for me. I like the companion GPS tools, though, but this app won't cut it.
USER_7HHDJUCG6EEFFUYH Awful. Couldn't download the free map. There's no way I'll pay for premium when the free version is so bad!
USER_BUYF2Y8JR Still learning the app. I like it so far, but I'll know more after I try it on the streets when I have no data. Now that I've tried it touring Europe, I realize it exceeded my expectations. It was great. My tablet fit into my cargo pockets, and we never got lost.
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